Basic DNI! [Homophobia, Racism, etc.]Against Xenogenders or NeopronounsProblematic shippersTSAMS supportersGenerally bad or problematic people pls.. I don’t want drama
Not listed on the DNI!FNaF IRL or fanOSC IRL or fanWanna be friends or just talk!Non problematic shippers! I’d love to hear about your faves!
Stuff You Should Know!
As it says at the start, I go by Bonnie or whatever I tell you to call me! I use he/it pronouns and sometimes neopronouns. I am professionally diagnosed with multiple things, so please have patience for me, and tone tags are quite appreciated! I go non verbal quite often especially with people I don’t know, if you start the interaction by talking I will find it much easier to respond, I do genuinely love to interact with others! Lastly, I am an IRL, if you ask me for the little list I have I’ll happily send it! I prefer to avoid doubles but I won’t get actively upset! Systems are totally fine to interact <3
Stuff for Ponytown
For ponytown, if I'm not freddy skin as usual, call me by the name of the skin I'm using please! I will very often use my Bonnie skin aswell and prefer to be called as such when I am. Stick with the he/it pronouns though!I am VERY often afk! If you really want my attention, you can whisper me or send a friend request on discord or elsewhere! My social medias will be listed below!I love when people use me for C+H as it's comforting for me and I love to help out!I do not want anyone copying my skins as they do take effort, minimal inspiration is okay!I also mentioned it up there, but I very easily go non verbal with people I do not know, so please do not start up an interaction with booping, emojis, or any of the sorts! I unfortunately cannot do small or dry talk conversations either! But I will usually be able to match your energy if I'm not burnt out and such<3